In November & December 2019, I was painting pictures of Mt Hood every day. I slowed down a bit over the holidays, but am still going. I'm up to 43 paintings so far.
So how did this series get started? Like many things in my life, it began with a pun. I did the first one as a gift. Someone on a buy-nothing group gave me a box of CD cases to paint on (The SlowCamera Paparazzi project is often done on CD cases), and in return I painted a small picture of Mt Hood on a CD case. I called it a Hoodie. When I posted it on facebook, a friend asked to buy it. Oops... already given away. So I painted another one.
Then, on a chilly late-fall day, I remarked that it was Hoodie Weather, referencing my preference for cozy hooded sweatshirts. That's when I decided to keep making little Mt Hood paintings, and coined the name "Daily Hoodies." I managed to do at least one per day until I went for a family vacation over the holidays.
A number of the paintings are still available on Daily Paintworks, and I have some prints available in the Daily Hoodies Collection.